South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc.
Providing free legal help to low income and elderly clients
South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc.
South Coastal Counties Legal Services (SCCLS) provides free civil legal services to low-income and elderly residents of our communities. The mission of the SCCLS is to achieve equal justice for the poor and disadvantaged through community based legal advocacy. SCCLS provides free civil legal services in the areas of housing law, family law, government benefits including social security disability, elder law, education law, and consumer law. SCCLS has staff who are fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. SCCLS can provide other translation services when needed to assist non-English speaking clients.
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Minimum Donation: $20
* A tax-deductible 4% fee will be added during checkout to cover credit card and processing fees.
Last Updated on 04/25/2024