Pine Tree Society
Discovering abilities together
Pine Tree Society
Pine Tree Society helps people in Maine with disabilities lead richer, more socially connected lives. Too often, people with disabilities feel left out, even isolated. With the help of Pine Tree Society, they're not alone! We share a spirit of innovation and desire to discover new ways to break down barriers that many find insurmountable. It started as a bold new idea in 1936 and that commitment continues every day. Whether it's a young girl with Cerebral Palsy discovering her first best friend at Pine Tree Camp, an adult finding his voice with customized assistive technology or an adult with a developmental disability participating in a new and exciting activities at Community Services, Pine Tree Society changes lives.
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Minimum Donation: $20
* A tax-deductible 4% fee will be added during checkout to cover credit card and processing fees.
Last Updated on 04/19/2024