Orphan Grain Train
Relief for human need worldwide
Orphan Grain Train
Orphan Grain Train (OGT) is a Christian volunteer network that shares personal and material resources with needy people in America and around the world. Orphan Grain Train volunteers gather donations of clothing, medical supplies, food, Christian literature, and other aid to meet real needs. Since 1992, Orphan Grain Train's 27 regional locations have delivered more than 3,300 loads of humanitarian aid and food to needy people in 68 countries and more than 30 states for victims of natural disasters and those living in poverty. Grain Train's regional divisions collect, pack and ship more than 300 semi-loads of donated clothing, relief supplies and humanitarian aid each year. Many shipments have been in cooperation with Lutheran Hour Ministries, LCMS World Mission, LCMS World Relief, and other Christian ministries.
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Minimum Donation: $20
* A tax-deductible 4% fee will be added during checkout to cover credit card and processing fees.
Last Updated on 04/24/2024