"I Have a Dream" Foundation
Empowering children in low-income communities to achieve higher education
"I Have a Dream" Foundation
Founded in 1986 by businessman Eugene M. Lang, the "I Have A Dream" Foundation empowers children in low-income communities to achieve higher education and fulfill their leadership potential by providing them with guaranteed tuition support and equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and habits they need to gain entry to higher education and succeed in college and beyond. By helping our Dreamers gain access to college, we are putting our Dreamers on a different academic and life trajectory. We sponsor entire grade levels of 50-100 students in under-resourced public schools or housing developments and work with these Dreamers from early elementary school all the way through high school. Upon high school graduation, each Dreamer receives guaranteed tuition assistance for higher education.
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Minimum Donation: $20
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Last Updated on 04/22/2024