Camp Kesem National
Supporting children through and beyond a parent's cancer
Camp Kesem National
Camp Kesem National's mission is supporting children through and beyond a parent's cancer. Our vision is to ensure that every child impacted by a parent's cancer is never alone. Camp Kesem National is a nationwide community, driven by passionate college student leaders, that supports children through and beyond their parent's cancer. Camp Kesem operates free summer camps for children who have been impacted by a parent's cancer. With over 5 million children impacted by a parent's cancer, Camp Kesem must continue expanding to meet this need. Camp Kesem is the largest national organization dedicated to this unique population, and for many children their Camp Kesem experience is a life-changing event–providing them a community of children with similar experiences, and a safe and welcoming environment to have fun and rediscover their childhood.
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Minimum Donation: $20
* A tax-deductible 4% fee will be added during checkout to cover credit card and processing fees.
Last Updated on 10/18/2024