Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Forging practical solutions to climate change
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
C2ES advances strong policy and action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and strengthen resilience to climate impacts. A key objective is a national market-based program to reduce emissions cost-effectively. We believe a sound climate strategy is essential to ensure a strong, sustainable economy. We are:

- A Trusted Source - Ranking regularly among the top environmental think tanks in the world, C2ES provides timely, impartial information and analysis on our pressing climate and energy challenges.

- A Bridge-Builder - We bring city, state, and national policymakers together with businesses and other stakeholders to achieve common understanding and consensus solutions.

- A Policy Innovator - We develop market-based solutions and other practical policy approaches that deliver real and lasting climate progress.

- A Catalyst for Business Action - We work with Fortune 500 companies to strengthen business action and business support for effective climate policy.
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Last Updated on 01/11/2025